The One Where Jani Makes More Mispronunciations And Victor Starts Hiring

With an open position on the marketing team, Victor struggles to find a good candidate and shares some job application tips. Jani talks about a former co-worker, Sergio, and how he was hired with zero experience - but plenty of drive. Victor asks the question: if you can choose only one, do you hire a videographer or a photographer? Diving into the past, Jani shares a story about millions spent on software that completely missed the mark, and the importance of understanding how end users will interact with what you are creating. ... and the boys continue the countdown to Laracon 2020 in Atlanta.
- Sergio's photo that blew Jani away:
- Caleb Porzio (of the No Plans To Merge Podcast):
- Caleb's Laravel Livewire project:
© 2019 - 2021 Victor Gonzalez & Jani Gyllenberg