The One Where Jani Tries Dancing And Victor Totals A Few Cars
Our second episode for Season 2 kicks of by celebrating Victor’s Best in Competition and Best Website Award wins in the marine industry.
Jani and Victor debate shotgun approaches to marketing, versus tailored and focused strategies - along with the challenges of trying new strategies when the current methods work.
Jani continues the one-percent-gains discussion from the previous episode with a karting story. Trying to find a new habit for working out from home, he also finds himself attempting hip-hop dance moves.
Victor shares car modifications that you shouldn’t attempt at home, and returns to Coder’s Tape with new episodes.
- Victor wins Best in Competition: MMA Neptune Awards 2020
- New Coder's Tape Episodes: Coder's Tape on YouTube
- Get up to 2 months of free hosting with promo code FOREIGNDEVS at Cloudways